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The useRoute composable returns the current route.
Within the template of a Vue component, you can access the route using $route.


In the following example, we call an API via useFetch using a dynamic page parameter - slug - as part of the URL.

<script setup lang="ts">
const route = useRoute()
const { data: mountain } = await useFetch(`/api/mountains/${route.params.slug}`)

    <h1>{{ mountain.title }}</h1>
    <p>{{ mountain.description }}</p>

If you need to access the route query parameters (for example example in the path /test?example=true), then you can use useRoute().query instead of useRoute().params.


Apart from dynamic parameters and query parameters, useRoute() also provides the following computed references related to the current route:

  • fullPath: encoded URL associated with the current route that contains path, query and hash
  • hash: decoded hash section of the URL that starts with a #
  • query: access route query parameters
  • matched: array of normalized matched routes with current route location
  • meta: custom data attached to the record
  • name: unique name for the route record
  • path: encoded pathname section of the URL
  • redirectedFrom: route location that was attempted to access before ending up on the current route location
Browsers don't send URL fragments (for example #foo) when making requests. So using route.fullPath in your template can trigger hydration issues because this will include the fragment on client but not the server.