Create beautiful & responsive Nuxt apps with Nuxt UI Pro

nuxi init

The init command initializes a fresh Nuxt project.
npx nuxi init [--verbose|-v] [--template,-t] [dir]

The init command initializes a fresh Nuxt project using unjs/giget.


--cwdCurrent working directory
--log-levelLog level
--template, -tv3Specify template name or git repository to use as a template. Format is gh:org/name to use a custom github template.
--force, -ffalseForce clone to any existing directory.
--offlinefalseForce offline mode (do not attempt to download template from GitHub and only use local cache).
--prefer-offlinefalsePrefer offline mode (try local cache first to download templates).
--no-installfalseSkip installing dependencies.
--git-initfalseInitialize git repository.
--shellfalseStart shell after installation in project directory (experimental).
--package-managernpmPackage manager choice (npm, pnpm, yarn, bun).
--dirProject directory.

Environment variables