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Privacy-focused alternative to CAPTCHA from Cloudflare

Nuxt Turnstile

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Cloudflare Turnstile integration for Nuxt 3


  • 💪 smart verification with minimal user interaction
  • 🕵️‍♀️ privacy-focused approach
  • ✨ server validation helper for your nitro endpoints
  • ⚡️ lightweight - script only loaded when required


  1. First, follow these steps to obtain a free sitekey and secret key from Cloudflare.
  2. Install @nuxt/scripts as a dependency - see docs for more info if you're interested.
  3. Install and add @nuxtjs/turnstile to your nuxt.config.
    npx nuxi@latest module add turnstile
    export default defineNuxtConfig({
      modules: ['@nuxtjs/turnstile'],
      turnstile: {
        siteKey: '<your-site-key>',
      runtimeConfig: {
        turnstile: {
          // This can be overridden at runtime via the NUXT_TURNSTILE_SECRET_KEY
          // environment variable.
          secretKey: '',

Alternatively, you may set turnstile.secretKeyPath to a path to a file containing the secret key. This will be read at build-time and will override any other explicit secretKey you have set.

Tip: At runtime you can override site and secret keys with the NUXT_TURNSTILE_SECRET_KEY and NUXT_PUBLIC_TURNSTILE_SITE_KEY environment variables.


To use Turnstile, you will likely want to:

  • Use the <NuxtTurnstile> component in your app (for example to build a contact form)
  • Verify the token on your server, when you are processing an API request or a form submission (for example, before sending the email out)


To use Turnstile, add the auto-imported Vue component in whatever component needs it:

    <form @submit.prevent="onSubmit">
      <NuxtTurnstile v-model="token" />
      <input type="submit" />

<NuxtTurnstile> can take a number of options via the options argument. See all options. It renders the Turnstile <iframe> within a <div> wrapper by default, but you can configure this by setting the element prop.

When in the page, it will automatically load the Turnstile script and validate your user. Each validation lasts for 300s, and @nuxtjs/turnstile will automatically revalidate this token after 250s.

You can access the validation token by setting a v-model on the component. Then, send the token along with your form responses, either explicitly or automatically (Cloudflare adds a hidden form element with the name cf-turnstile-response to your form). To validate the token on server-side, you can use the auto-imported verifyTurnstileToken utility in your Nitro server routes.

The turnstile token is no longer valid after being processed with CloudFlare via verifyTurnstileToken. If you are using @nuxtjs/turnstile with a component that might need to be validated multiple times, such as a submission form, you will need to regenerate the token for each submission. To manually regenerate the token, @nuxtjs/turnstile exposes the reset function directly via a template ref.


  <NuxtTurnstile ref="turnstile" />
  <button @click="turnstile.reset()">Reset token in template</button>
  <button @click="reset()">Reset token from handler</button>

<script setup>
  // you can call this template ref anything
  const turnstile = ref()

  function reset() {


You can either use the a generated validation endpoint, or use the imported helper method:

Example with endpoint:

Turn on the generation of the endpoint first:

export default defineNuxtConfig({
  // ...
  turnstile: {
    siteKey: '<your-site-key>',
    addValidateEndpoint: true

You can now call the endpoint at /_turnstile/validate from the client to validate tokens.

Example with custom endpoint and helper method:

// server/api/validateTurnstile.ts

export default defineEventHandler(async (event) => {
  const { token } = await readBody(event)

  if (!token) {
    throw createError({
      statusCode: 422,
      statusMessage: 'Token not provided.',

  return await verifyTurnstileToken(token)

💻 Development

  • Clone this repository
  • Enable Corepack using corepack enable
  • Install dependencies using pnpm install
  • Stub module with pnpm dev:prepare
  • Run pnpm dev to start playground in development mode



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Published under the MIT License.