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OpenID-Connect(OIDC) integration module for nuxt 3.0.

Nuxt OpenID-Connect

npm version

OpenID-Connect(OIDC) integration module for nuxt 3.0. (V0.4.0+ support nuxt 3.0.0-stable.)


  • An Nuxt 3 module (Note: nuxt 2.x not supported).
  • OIDC integration ( implemetation based on openid-client ).
  • State Management, shared login user info.
  • OIDC provider config.
  • Encrypt userInfo cookie.
  • Support browser localStorage store userInfo, which keep user auth info after page refresh. Similar like this.

Why use this module

  • The official auth module doesn't support Nuxt 3.0 yet.
  • nuxt-oidc also not support Nuxt 3.0.

How to use this module

  • Add to a project
npx nuxi@latest module add nuxt-openid-connect
  • Then, add nuxt-openid-connect module to nuxt.config.ts and change to your configs (openidConnect):
export default defineNuxtConfig({
  // runtime config for nuxt-openid-connect example -- you can use env variables see .env.example
  runtimeConfig: {
    openidConnect: {
      op: {
        issuer: '',
        clientId: '',
        clientSecret: '',
        callbackUrl: '',
      config: {
        cookieFlags: {
          access_token: {
            httpOnly: true,
            secure: false,
  // add nuxt-openid-connect module here... 
  modules: [

  // configuration for nuxt-openid-connect
  openidConnect: {
    addPlugin: true,
    op: {
      issuer: 'your_issuer_value',
      clientId: 'your_issuer_clientid',
      clientSecret: 'secret',
      callbackUrl: '',   // deprecated from 0.8.0
      scope: [
    config: {
      debug: false, // optional, default is false
      response_type: 'id_token', // or 'code'
      secret: 'oidc._sessionid',
      isCookieUserInfo: false, // whether save userinfo into cookie.
      cookie: { loginName: '' },
      cookiePrefix: 'oidc._',
      cookieEncrypt: true,
      cookieEncryptKey: 'bfnuxt9c2470cb477d907b1e0917oidc', // 32
      cookieEncryptIV: 'ab83667c72eec9e4', // 16
      cookieEncryptALGO: 'aes-256-cbc',
      cookieMaxAge: 24 * 60 * 60, //  default one day
      cookieFlags: { // default is empty 
        access_token: { 
          httpOnly: true,
          secure: false,
  • Useage in setup.
const oidc = useOidc()

Here is an usage example.

💻 Development

  • Clone repository
  • Install dependencies using yarn install
  • Run yarn dev:prepare to generate type stubs.
  • Use yarn run to start playground in development mode.


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