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Module to use Font Awesome 6 icons in your Nuxt project

Module to use Font Awesome 6 icons in your Nuxt 3 project.

This module does not use vue-fontawesome under the hood as dependency, but contains some code from its sources to implement its features with Nuxt Universal Render, also known as ssr: true in config.

The main difference from official component is creating real tags in template instead of rendering nodes in browser. That is why it works on server.

I tried to implement as many features I could (like mask, transform and symbol) but not sure if everything works the same way as in vue-fontawesome.

Please use issues to report problems.


  • Add dependency to your project
npx nuxi@latest module add @vesp/nuxt-fontawesome
  • Add some icon packs
npm i -D @fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons @fortawesome/free-regular-svg-icons @fortawesome/free-brands-svg-icons
  • Add @vesp/nuxt-fontawesome to modules in your nuxt.config.ts
  • Configure loaded icons

Use the fontawesome key:

  // nuxt.config.ts
  modules: [
  fontawesome: {
    icons: {
      solid: ['cog', ...],

Module options


  • Default: font-awesome

Default component name is <font-awesome icon="" ... />, and you can change that here. For example, if you will specify fa, it will become <fa icon="" ... />. Also see suffix.


  • Default: true

Boolean to indicate if the layers component should be registered globally. Name of the component will be ${options.component}-layers, and <font-awesome-layers ... /> by default.


  • Default: true

Boolean to indicate if the layers component should be registered globally. Name of the component will be the ${options.component}-layers-text, and <font-awesome-layers-text ... /> by default.


Which icons you will use. FontAwesome currently supports up to 5 icon styles in 3 families.

This option is an object with the style names as property and an array with all icon names you wish to use from those styles

  icons: {
    solid: ['coffee', 'child', ... ],
    regular: ['comment', ... ],
    brands: ['twitter', ... ],
  proIcons: {
    solid: [],
    regular: [],
    light: [],
    thin: [],
    duotone: [],
  sharpIcons: {
    solid: [], 
    regular: [],
    light: [],
    thin: [],


  • Default: true

If the module should automatically add the fontawesome styles to the global css config. It works by unshifting @fortawesome/fontawesome-svg-core/styles.css onto the Nuxt css property.


  • Default: true

Boolean whether to append -icon to the icon component name. This option exists as the component name option is also used for the layer components and you might not want to add '-icon' to those.

  // config
  component: 'fa',
  suffix: true

  // usage
  <fa-icon />
  <fa-layers />
  <fa-layers-text />
  // config
  component: 'fa',
  suffix: false

  // usage
  <fa />
  <fa-layers />
  <fa-layers-text />


You can find more details under playground folder.

  • Ensure you have installed an icon package npm i -D @fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons
  • and have added the module configuration to your nuxt.config.js

Default component names are:

  • <font-awesome>
  • <font-awesome-layers>
  • <font-awesome-layers-text>

You can change this names by component option.

  // nuxt.config
  fontawesome: {
    icons: {
      solid: ['dollar-sign', 'cog', 'circle', 'check', 'calendar'],
      regular: ['user']
  • Use global icons:
    <font-awesome :icon="['far', 'user']" />
    <font-awesome icon="dollar-sign" style="font-size: 30px" />
    <font-awesome icon="cog" />

    <font-awesome-layers class="fa-4x">
      <font-awesome icon="circle" />
      <font-awesome icon="check" transform="shrink-6" :style="{color: 'white'}" />

    <font-awesome-layers full-width class="fa-4x">
      <font-awesome icon="calendar" />
      <font-awesome-layers-text transform="shrink-8 down-3" value="27" class="fa-inverse" />

  • Use locally imported icons
    <font-awesome-layers full-width size="4x">
      <font-awesome :icon="faCircle" />
      <font-awesome-layers-text transform="shrink-12" value="GALSD" class="fa-inverse" />

    <font-awesome :icon="faAddressBook" />
    <font-awesome :icon="faGithub" />

<script setup>
import {faCircle, faAddressBook} from '@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons'
import {faGithub} from '@fortawesome/free-brands-svg-icons'


MIT License

This module was inspired by official Nuxt 2 module from Nuxt Community.

Some code and function was taken from vue-fontawesome repository to implement its features with server rendering.