Create beautiful & responsive Nuxt apps with Nuxt UI Pro


Use the composables/ directory to auto-import your Vue composables into your application.


Method 1: Using named export

export const useFoo = () => {
  return useState('foo', () => 'bar')

Method 2: Using default export

composables/use-foo.ts or composables/useFoo.ts
// It will be available as useFoo() (camelCase of file name without extension)
export default function () {
  return useState('foo', () => 'bar')

Usage: You can now use auto imported composable in .js, .ts and .vue files

<script setup lang="ts">
const foo = useFoo()

    {{ foo }}
The composables/ directory in Nuxt does not provide any additional reactivity capabilities to your code. Instead, any reactivity within composables is achieved using Vue's Composition API mechanisms, such as ref and reactive. Note that reactive code is also not limited to the boundaries of the composables/ directory. You are free to employ reactivity features wherever they're needed in your application.
Read more in Docs > Guide > Concepts > Auto Imports.
Read and edit a live example in Docs > Examples > Features > Auto Imports.


Under the hood, Nuxt auto generates the file .nuxt/imports.d.ts to declare the types.

Be aware that you have to run nuxi prepare, nuxi dev or nuxi build in order to let Nuxt generate the types.

If you create a composable without having the dev server running, TypeScript will throw an error, such as Cannot find name 'useBar'.


Nested Composables

You can use a composable within another composable using auto imports:

export const useFoo = () => {
  const nuxtApp = useNuxtApp()
  const bar = useBar()

Access plugin injections

You can access plugin injections from composables:

export const useHello = () => {
  const nuxtApp = useNuxtApp()
  return nuxtApp.$hello

How Files Are Scanned

Nuxt only scans files at the top level of the composables/ directory, e.g.:

Directory Structure
-| composables/
---| index.ts     // scanned
---| useFoo.ts    // scanned
---| nested/
-----| utils.ts   // not scanned

Only composables/index.ts and composables/useFoo.ts would be searched for imports.

To get auto imports working for nested modules, you could either re-export them (recommended) or configure the scanner to include nested directories:

Example: Re-export the composables you need from the composables/index.ts file:

// Enables auto import for this export
export { utils } from './nested/utils.ts'

Example: Scan nested directories inside the composables/ folder:

export default 
: {
: [
// Scan top-level modules 'composables', // ... or scan modules nested one level deep with a specific name and file extension 'composables/*/index.{ts,js,mjs,mts}', // ... or scan all modules within given directory 'composables/**' ] } })